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Author Topic: Results from Buckling Run Deck  (Read 38937 times)


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Results from Buckling Run Deck
« on: September 25, 2018, 08:31:42 AM »
I haven't found information on this in the help files: what is actually used from secondary run decks (ANSYS buckling solution) that I add for global buckling constraints? Certainly: Load Factor (for the constraint), displacements (for the mode shape), but any other loads (which I wrote to the results file)?
I assume that a run deck having ANTYPE,BUCKLE is not used to determine margins against strength failure, local buckling, cripling etc.


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Re: Results from Buckling Run Deck
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2018, 12:30:24 PM »
Hi Jan,

For buckling cases, you are correct that we use load factors and displacements / rotations to size (using HyperFEA). If you have requested element forces for a buckling solution and the corresponding HyperSizer loadcase is active, then the forces may be used to size components.

Of course this is not desirable, so it is recommended that you deactivate (uncheck) the load case on the "Load Cases" tab of the Project Setup Form to make sure these forces do not artificially drive sizing results. This will not prevent that case from being used for HyperFEA buckling sizing.
