Software Use > Analyzing & Optimizing Stiffened Panels
Shell Orientation variation in components
I got two questions regarding shell material orientation (orange arrows in FEM Viewer):
* How does the material orientation of a component influence the sizing in general? In my understanding, the sizing-results are not wrong. I just have to take care that plotting 90-degree-results will always show me the results perpendicular to the orange arrows, i.e. adjacent components might show results for different directions. Is that right?
* I checked shell orientations in the FEM-Viewer and noticed that the arrows point in different directions even within the boundaries of components (cf. attachment). Does this cause sizing errors or plotting errors?Thanks,
Hi Jan,
1. Material orientations define the Nx load direction, x-buckling span direction, the 0-degree fiber direction, ribbon direction of honeycomb core and the stiffener direction.
2. For HyperSizer analyses, all loads are transformed into the material coordinates. Then the loads are summed-up based on the selected statistical loading method. So it's very important that these are consistent within a component. It's a best practice for the material vectors to be consistent within an assembly.
I hope this is helpful.
Hi James,
from the manual I got what the shell orientation is used for. For our case, I forgot to mention: we use Orthogrid panels.
Assuming a consistent shell orientation within each component: Am I right that with, say, a shell orientation in the circumferential direction of my cylindrical fuselage, the 0deg-results (stiffener spacing, height, etc) are valid for the circumferential direction (and the 90deg-results for the cylinder axis direction)? So the sizing was not wrong, I just have to remember this when plotting 0deg- and 90deg-results because the "labeling" is wrong? This information would help me to decide if current results can be used or have to be thrown away...
Besides that: I understand that varying shell orientations within assemblies (and particularly within components) is highly critical. I will change that.
I'd say you're okay as long as your "radius of curvature" and "axis of curvature" selections are correctly defined for your curved panels. See the curvature options on the Sizing Form > Buckling tab.
if I see it right there might be a bug during import:
we use cylindrical coordinate systems (COS) to align the element COS to. The FEM import correctly recognizes the following:
* the local coordinate systems (visible in FEM Viewer)
* the assignment of a local coordinate system to elementsBut it seems as if information on the COS type (cartesian/cylindrical) is lost. I tested a panel, where local cylindrical COS #15 (axis = panel cylinder axis) is used for the left half (cf. pictures):
* ANSYS: the x-axis (black) is in downward circumferential direction
* HS: the x-axis direction points upwards circumferential for the first 5 element rows, then changes to downwards. My guess: HS assigns COS #15 to these elements but treats it as cartesian. That means, for the lower part of the shell: x-axis-projection is used (downwards). Upper part: x-axis-projection gets too small (or even a point), so the y-axis of COS15 is used as the elements' x-axis. Many FEM-programs such as ANSYS also use this method).
* HS FEM-Viewer "Create or change local COS"-form: here I also cannot find any indication if a COS is of cylindrical or cartesion type.Even more confusing: plotting, say, N11 in the FEM-Viewer, it shows the correct ANSYS result, i.e. for the actual x-direction, not the one depicted by the arrows! So my understanding is that, for the sizing process, HS uses the actual N11-result for the components but assuming it is the value for the direction shown by the arrow (which is wrong by 180° in this case, and by 90° in the case of my first post).
Can you confirm this?
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