Engineering & Analysis Methods > Panel Buckling

Panel Stability Boundary Condition


I recently was asked to investage sizing a panel using a 50% fixity boundary condition assumption. Does Hypersizer have the capability to size a panel for stability and consider a boundary condition other than free, simple, or fix supports on the edge?  i.e. 50% fixity = half way between simple and fixed in version 7.0.53.

Yes, this is a backdoor data option.
The backdoor flag is called - Panel Buckling Coefficient - Percent Fixity Energy Solution (Default = -1.0)

Is there a similar capability in 7.0.35?

This feature was added for v7.0.56

If this flag is activated, HyperSizer calculates buckling EV assuming all edges simple the again assuming all edges fixed, then the final buckling EV is percentage between simple and fixed (e.g. 50% = average simple/fixed).



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