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Author Topic: Accessing Number of Plies and Orientation for Orthotropics  (Read 20104 times)


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Accessing Number of Plies and Orientation for Orthotropics
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:00:42 PM »
I'm writing a python code to grab data from an existing sized HS model. Some of my components are Honeycomb Sandwichs, where the face is an effective laminate. Between using the Orthotropic and Component classes I've been able to get almost everything I need (face thickness, material, density, etc.)

The three things I haven't had any luck getting are "0/45/90 %", "0/45/90 #", and Plies. They are clearly there on the dimensions tab of the sizing form, but I haven't been able to access them through scripting. Any suggestions?


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Re: Accessing Number of Plies and Orientation for Orthotropics
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2016, 08:18:40 AM »
The effective laminate percentages are not exposed in the scripting API. As a workaround you can parse this data from the material name. I've attached some code to help you out with this.

The effective laminate ply counts in the Sizing form are computed at run-time using the total thickness and the ply percentages.
