To reset the HyperSizer workgroup:
1. Open HyperSizer and at the Sign-In Screen, press Cancel.
2. On the main HyperSizer windows, go to Preferences | Options
3. In the HyperSizer Options dialog, be sure that the folder names under “Project Working Folder”, “Project Database Template Folder”, and “Document Reference Root Folder” are all black indicating that these folders exist.
4. Press the “Database Workgroup…” button
5. Browse to the file, “HyperSizer.hwg”. This file should be in the <HyperSizer Install>\Database subfolder. For example, if you accepted the defaults when installing HyperSizer, this file will be in the folder, “C:\Program Files\HyperSizer\Database”.
6. Select the file, “Hypersizer.hwg”, and press the Open button.
7. Press OK to dismiss the HyperSizer Options dialog
8. Close and re-open HyperSizer. You should now be able to sign in as normal.