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Author Topic: Changing the storage location for database and project files  (Read 39577 times)

Tom Dragone

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I recently upgraded my computer and had HyperSizer v7.0.53 re-installed on the new computer.  Due to a new hard disk configuration, my files which were stored at C:\HyperSizerData\Projects are now stored at F:\Documents\HyperSizerData\Projects.  I changed the default file locations for the Project Working Folder and the Database Template Folder and the Workgroup file on the HyperSizer Options menu.  I can browse to and open my correct database files and all my projects are listed.  However, on each project Setup Form, the Model and Results files still point to the C: drive location and are red (indicating that they are not there).  When I try to edit this file location to the correct F: drive location, I cannot make any changes to the file location.  How can I point the project to the correct model and results files?


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Re: Changing the storage location for database and project files
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2015, 06:58:11 PM »
To change the location of the FEM files you need to select the "Select Run Deck(s)" option on the Project setup form. Another form will appear which allows you to edit the path to the FEM/FEA files for each Run Deck.

Here is the help documentation that describes the use of the Run Deck form.

Let me know if this does not work as described above.


Tom Dragone

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Re: Changing the storage location for database and project files
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 09:50:15 AM »
Thanks. I see how it works now, and it's asking whether I want to re-import the FEM for the new file location.  For all of my projects, the FEM should not have changed from the old computer to the new one, so I think I should be OK with re-import.  I just don't want to lose any of the sizing set-up information.  Can you summarize for me the implications of re-importing versus not re-importing the FEM? 


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Re: Changing the storage location for database and project files
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 11:40:19 AM »
The purpose for reimporing the FEM is for HyperSizer to import any changes to the model data, like new grid locations, new elements and new properties (components). If you have not changed the grid locations, there is no need to reimport the FEM so answer "No".

If you have moved/added grids, elements, properties, then you should reimport the FEM and your existing component definition will remain intact within HyperSizer. In other words, you should not loose any of the component setup (sizing dimensions, active failure criteria, etc) for unmodified components during reimport.

**Important - If you've made any changes to the element-component membership in HyperSizer, these will be lost if you reimport the FEM. The element-component membership will be reread from the FEM.

During reimport, new grids, elements and properties are imported and are unassigned in HyperSizer.

Here is a help topic that further describes the implications of Reimporting the FEM.

I hope this is helpful.
