Software Use > Analyzing & Optimizing Stiffened Panels

optimization methodology regarding effective Laminates

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I am optimizing a wing with the blade concept and effective Laminates (EL).

My sizing variables are t_skin and t_web. The other sizing paramters are constance. Furthmore I am using different effective laminates with different percantage of 0°, 45° and 90° plies. The weight of each EL is the same.

I like to know which material is chosen by HS if I have several design candidates with the same weight but different ELs?

Best Regards ;)

HyperSizer will return the minimum weight solution that pass all active failure criteria. If multiple candidates with the same weight are found, then HyperSizer will return the candidate with the highest margin of safety.


Hello James,

I was thinking the same. But where I can read it? I don't find this information in the help.

If I assume that I have 5 different design candidates with the same weight but different EL and thus with different MoS's is it possible to have access to these 5 candidates? This 5 candidates are all possible solutions. For me it is only important to have positive MoS I dont need the max. MoS. I prefere to chose the right material (For my point of view) from this 5 candidates instead of having a high MoS.

Is that possible?

Best Regards

The optimization methodology is explained in this help topic:

However, it doesn't mention the case where there are multiple solutions with the same mass. We should add that to this help topic.

On the sizing form you can request the software return multiple solutions for each component (see attached image). Then you can view these solutions by selecting the "All Designs" option on the sizing form.


Hello James is it possible to have access to the requested designs with the COM-Interface? I am using python to perform automated sizing with HS.

Best Regards


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