Software Use > Analyzing & Optimizing Stiffened Panels

Adding mass to a stiffened panel

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I'm looking to determine isogrid dimensions from a frequency requirement using a Non-FEA project.  I need to account for the mass of a component that attaches to the panel when determining the frequency.  I tried to use "Added Weight", but there is no effect on the component structure when an analysis is completed with a non-trivial amount of additional mass.  Any insight?


The "Added Weight" does not feed into the panel frequency analysis. It probably should.

You can use the Bond Weight (units = lb/ft^2) on the Project Sizing Form > Options Tab > Constants which will increase the mass that is used in the panel frequency analysis.


Adding it as bond weight (any or all of three options) doesn't seem to impact the results either.

The local frequency will be unaffected but the panel frequency should account for the added bond weight. What panel concept is this?

This is an isogrid concept.  I'm only looking at panel frequencies.


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