Regarding the beam offsets, in one of the Pro tutorials (AP1) related to V5 for which *.CL files were updated, it is shown that the finite element definition of the beam is updated when we change the reference plane from Centroid to Top or Bottom, by using Beam Offsets.
However, in V6.4, I have 3 questions about this Beam Offset:
1) Why the default option in the Reference Plane is set to "TOP", and not Centroid, whereas when I visualise the FEM in Patran, the beams are defined such that their centroid (and not top of them) are set on the nodes (grids) !?
2) When I try to change it, for instance, from 'top' to 'bottom', nothing happens... nothing in terms of final results when I re-analyse everything, nor when I visualise them (still at the same place).
3) I don't find the update in the FEM files either (which makes sense, since nothing happened in the analysis nor in the visualisation). Where can I find this update in the FEM files please ?
Thanks a lot.