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Author Topic: Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations  (Read 23281 times)


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Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations
« on: September 15, 2013, 07:16:39 PM »

I am using Object Model capabilities of HyperSizer through MATLAB for automation of all projects. I use HyperFEA coupling and everything works well except one error that I get from time to time when it tries to import the FEM:

? ? ? Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: ImportFEM [Function]
Description: Unhandled Error, Application Error in Project::ImportFEM [Function]()

Line #9, Error #-2147188733, Unhandled Error, Application Error in
clsHyperSizerProject::ComponentImport [Function]()

Line #24, Error #-2147188733, Unhandled Error, Application Error in clsReadNastran::Start [Function]()

Line #39, Error #-2147188733, Unhandled Error, Application Error in clsReadNastran::ComponentImport

Line #137, Error #3049, Cannot open database ''.  It may not be a database that your application
recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.

Error in ==> hyperfea at 111

P.S. The error identifier is: "MATLAB:COM:E2147778563"

The strange thing is that when I restart the computer and rerun the simulations without changing anything, it goes through the error message... It has probably something to do with the memory... Do you have any idea of how I could get rid of it? It is pretty annoying because I have a lot of projects and this error happens randomly during the process and it stops the whole process and doesn't let Matlab to run the next projects.

Thanks a lot.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 08:13:22 PM by ULBsha »


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Re: Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 08:33:13 AM »
It sounds like a memory issue. Periodically restarting the HyperSizer application object (w/ MATLAB) during long runs may help (this operation is pretty fast so it won't slow down your process).

Are you importing the FEM during every iteration? You do not need to do so. This may help as well.



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Re: Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 09:39:10 AM »
Thanks Ryan for this quick answer.

By restarting the HyperSizer application object, do you mean :
- hs.CloseDatabase();
- hs.Login('HyperSizer Admin', '');
- hs.OpenDatabase(databasePath);

Regarding the import of FEM, indeed, I do it every iteration, while I should do it only once, right?

There is also one thing that I do not understand very well concerning the update of FEM: in the older version of HyperSizer, we could see in the main window that the FEM file was updated by noting the extension  "_i0x.bdf" which was added to the original 'bdf' file. We also had the *.PM files that we do not have anymore in the new version.
Even if, in the new version, the "*_i.bdf" file is created and the PM cards are added into this "*_i.bdf" file, it seems that after the analysis, even if I refresh the window, it doesn't show that the FEM has been updated to the "_i.bdf" file. This update is done for the f06 file which goes from "*.f06" to  "*_i.f06", but apparently not for the FEM... So, how does the new HyperSizer version manage the FEM file updates ?

Thanks again.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 09:40:11 PM by ULBsha »


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Re: Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 03:01:17 PM »
Yeah. You can restart the database like that.

You do not need to reimport the iteration FEM (_i.bdf) because HyperSizer already knows what it contains (since HyperSizer generated it). The iteration results file (_i.f06) needs to be read since HyperSizer needs to get the latest element forces from Nastran.



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Re: Error on "project.Import" during HyperFEA iterations
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 07:06:01 PM »
Thanks Ryan. Indeed, restarting HyperSizer application object and importing the FEM only once had apparently solved the memory issue.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 05:14:01 AM by ULBsha »