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Author Topic: Scripting addition or substraction of temperatures on materials browser windows  (Read 19149 times)


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A method for replacing a single value for a specific property at a given temperature using Matlab is given in the help documentation (Scripting > Reference > Classes > Isotropic).

Once a person can change one value, nothing stops that person from completely populating a materials property card from another electronic materials database.

One approach is to open an existing material, repopulate it, then use a SaveAsNew to save it as a brand new material in its own material family.  A clear path forward can be seen if the new and existing material have the same number of temperatures.  If, however, they do not, the path grows murky and pitfally. ;)

If one were doing this manually, he would make use of the materials browser buttons reproduced here...

The documented method is a way of automating the !Change button.  If the new material has more temperatures than the old one, a method of automating the !!Copy button is needed.  If the new material has fewer temperatures than the old one, a method of automating the !xDelete button is needed. 

The Delete function completely clears the material, leaving no temperatures.  The Copy and Create functions do not appear to add temperatures either.

Is there a way to fully populate a new material (with material-dependent properties and an arbitrary number of temperatures) using Matlab?
