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Author Topic: Rod/Bulb Stiffened Panel Family  (Read 24648 times)


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Rod/Bulb Stiffened Panel Family
« on: June 10, 2013, 02:54:27 PM »
As far as I can tell, I have properly assigned either a Laminate (with constituent materials), HyperLaminate (with constituent materials), or isotropic materials as applicable to each required variable.  When I hit Save, I get the warning message, "There are no workable sections.  Make sure materials have been selected for each variable."  Is there something else I should check, or is there an issue with the rod/bulb stiffened panel family?


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Re: Rod/Bulb Stiffened Panel Family
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 03:05:06 PM »
This message means there are no available sections that can be generated from your input. Sometimes this is because materials have not been defined for the required variables.

Variables to check:
1. Top face thickness
2. Stringer web thickness
3. Frame web thickness
4. Foam thickness

Other times, this is caused by defining dimension (width and spacing) that cause overlaps. For instance, your stiffener spacing may be too narrow and your attached flange width value may be too large.

Variables to check
1. Stiffener spacing and stringer flange width
2. Frame spacing and frame flange width

Finally, make sure the concept is active on the "Concepts Tab". If the panel is under-defined, blue text will appear at the top of the concepts tab to indicate what concepts should be selected.

There is good help documentation on the rod/bulb stiffened concept. See:


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Re: Rod/Bulb Stiffened Panel Family
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 03:49:57 PM »
After I made the post, I found out what the problem was in the documentation.  In the sizing form, it says that the material for the rod can be either effective laminate OR isotropic.  In the documentation, it only says effective laminate.  I had chosen an isotropic material.  Wheh I chose an effective laminate, no more warning.  That would be something to correct in the next software update (either to allow isotropic materials or to change the material option message).