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Author Topic: Composite form: Step the ply thickness is not right.....  (Read 40708 times)


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Composite form: Step the ply thickness is not right.....
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:26:24 AM »
the material thickness used to creat EL is 0.00825 in,   but the result (Step 6) is 0.099;


Change another:

the material thickness used to creat EL is 0.0055 in,   but the result (Step 6) is 0.066;

 dont know why?

Another question:      step 6: Material ID =8   or 7  or others,    how do they come from? or how to know the material ID which was chosen to creat EL is 7 or 8 or other??     Hypersizer do it auto???

The third Question:   Balance layups and Symmetric Layups    how to understand Balance layups , please give an example??

See picture. thanks
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 03:04:04 AM by orchidworld »


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Re: Composite form: Step the ply thickness is not right.....
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 08:10:37 AM »
In v6.2.46 there is a bug with material thickness displayed on the composite form. It has to do with converting units from ft -> in. This will be fixed in the next version of the software. As a workaround, on the Project Setup form you can set your display units, length = ft. This will show the value for ply thickness in inches. The units on the label will still be in ft, but the values will be correct.

The MAT ID is the material number in the HyperSizer database. HyperSizer assigns this number automatically. If you wish, you can use the fabrication process ID in place of the MAT ID.

Composites Form > Advanced Settings > Fabrication Process ID

This will use the description stored on the material form.

Orthotropic Material Form > Notes Tab > Process

If this is set = NONE, HyperSizer will use the material name.

A balanced layup has the same number of +X and -X plies.
Balanced Layup: [+45/-45/0/90/0/-45/+45]
Unbalanced Layup: [+45/+45/-45/0/90/0/-45/+45/+45]

Notice in the second layup the number of +45 plies is greater than the number of -45 plies.

A balanced layup ensures the A13 (extension-shear coupling) terms are zero. It is a common practice to enforce balanced and symmetric layups.

I hope this helps.