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Author Topic: how to chose Tension or compression load as load sets strength in HyperSizer  (Read 23263 times)


  • Guest
HI, Everyone,

Strength Loads
Using the set of tensile and compressive averages and standard deviations, the following load conditions are applied.

TS = {Nx,T + K?Nx,T, ..., Mx,T + K?Mx,T, ..., Qx,T + K?Qx,T}

CS = {Nx,C - K?Nx,C, ..., Mx,C - K?Mx,C, ..., Qx,C - K?Qx,C}

The worst case of these load conditions is reported in the Sizing form.

how to understand?  Please see the picture, why: Strength =T-ave, not C-ave? the C-ave is more worse....



  • Administrator
  • *****
  • Posts: 286
HyperSizer runs through multiple loops, a tension loop and a compression loop. Only the "controlling load set" is being shown as the Load Set Controlled Unfactored load on the Design-to loads tab, however, the design returned must satisfy all load states.

The "controlling load set" is determined by the minimum margin of safety. That is if panel buckling controls, then the controlling load will be from the compression loop. It appears your minimum margin of safety is "INVLD GEOM". This means that your design violates some geometry check that has been activated on the failure tab.

See geometric check help topic:

This failure method is not load based, so it appears to be flagging the tension loop as controlling. In reality, there is no controlling load for the geometry checks. Maybe if a geometric check is controlling then this field should be left blank?