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Author Topic: Changing Family  (Read 22728 times)


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Changing Family
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:27:14 PM »
I'm trying to change family from Unstiffened Panel family to Grid or uniaxial stiffened family.  I'm trying to change several groups with hundres components, is there easy way to change it without deleting group and re-assigning group?


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Re: Changing Family
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 07:51:54 AM »
If you have an FEA Project, you can use the graphics window to create new groups.

Group > Create group using graphics > Grid stiffened panel..

You may make a desired Unstiffened group active and change the view so you are only seeing that single group. Then hold [Shift] + [Alt] and draw a bounding box to select all the components in view. Repeat this process for each unstiffened group you wish to change to a grid stiffened.

Then, to delete the empty unstiffened groups you can use the "delete range of groups" option.

Group > Delete range of groups...

If you have a Non-FEA project, you can use the utilities spreadsheet to automate the group creation and the component membership.

Let me know if this helps.