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Author Topic: Import Error during file import from ABQ  (Read 26783 times)


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Import Error during file import from ABQ
« on: June 13, 2012, 05:25:52 AM »

I'm trying to import a model from ABQ. The Import-process starts normally by reading from the *.fil file.
After a couple of seconds the Import-pocess stops and the following Error-msg is displayed:

Element id in .HABQ file not found.
0, 0

I'm not sure, if this error appears during reading the *.fil, or at the beginning of reading the next file.

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?


A. Seidel

I've already found this old comment, which was a great help to change my inputfile so Hypersizer starts the import.

Is there anything else that should be considered? Like unsupported ABQ-commands or anything else that might cause the error-msg?

« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 06:46:02 AM by A.Seidel »


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Re: Import Error during file import from ABQ
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 07:23:38 AM »
The .HABQ file is a temporary file that is written during the import process when the ODB is read. The HABQ contains a list of beam element orientations. For some reason a beam element with ID of zero was written.

What version of HyperSizer your running? What version of Abaqus? Was the input file created with Abaqus/CAE or through some other process?

Make sure that the input file is written without using parts and assemblies. See item 4 in the topic below.


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Re: Import Error during file import from ABQ
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 07:46:29 AM »
The model was created using Hypermesh 11.0 and solved with ABQ 6.10-3

The Version of Hypersizer Pro is 6.2.45

In the Inputfile are neither Parts nor Assemblies. I've also checked the Input and results-files with matlab for any zeroes that shouldn't be there
results written to *.fil and to *.dat with:
*El File, Position=Centroidal, Directions=Yes


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Re: Import Error during file import from ABQ
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 09:41:29 PM »
The issue was a bug that occurred while reading the HABQ. This bug is triggered if the model contains a section ID of 9000. This has been fixed in 6.2.46.
