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Author Topic: Abaqus Beam General Section in pm1 file  (Read 24765 times)


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Abaqus Beam General Section in pm1 file
« on: February 13, 2012, 05:10:39 PM »
The Abaqus *Beam General Section in the pm1 file has an extra input when defining the beam section profile.  Abaqus (Abaqus 6.11) looks for 7 inputs for the I-Section, but Hypersizer is creating 8 inputs in the pm1 file.  The 7th of the 8 inputs is showing a web thickness of .00000E+00 for a "T" beam, when it should be .40000E-01 in my case.  Is there a reason for this?  To work around this I have to delete the 7th input from each *Beam General Section input line before I can run my FEA iteration input file.   

*Beam General Section, Elset=SHROUD-1_FRAME_FWD1, Density= .17466E-04, Section=I
** offset,    height,      w_flg bot,   w_flg top,   t_flg bot,   t_flg top,   t_web **
 .10000E+01,  .10000E+01,  .00000E+00,  .20000E+01,  .00000E+00,  .40000E-01,  .00000E+00,  .40000E-01

Any information about this would be helpful.


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Re: Abaqus Beam General Section in pm1 file
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 05:33:43 PM »
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  This is a bug that has been addressed. The fix will be in the next release.

Another workaround would be to swap the I-sections with C- or J-sections.  This might be feasible if you are primarily concerned with strength sizing and are willing to sacrifice some accuracy in the crippling analysis.
