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How can HyperFEA be automated?

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Author Topic: Automating HyperFEA and defining ply drops with COM Method  (Read 22511 times)


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Automating HyperFEA and defining ply drops with COM Method
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:25:12 PM »
I would like to be able to automate the following tasks in HyperFEA:

1)   Open a database
2)   Select the correct project and set the number of iterations required.
3)   Carry out optimization

Do you know how this can be done? Additionally, I would like to know how to set the ply transition region between components when using object modeling.

Thank you in advance for your response,


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Re: Automating HyperFEA and defining ply drops with COM Method
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 08:49:36 AM »
HyperFEA is not exposed directly in the object model.

V6.2 will have a new Project.UpdateFEM() method. This creates the iteration FEM (model_i.bdf). Submitting the iteration FEM to the FEA solver left up to the user.

Ply drop creation is not exposed on the object model either.