Engineering & Analysis Methods > Miscellaneous Analysis & Methods

Flatwise Tension with solid elements


I have a question with the way HyperSizer is calculating sigma-rr in the FWT calcs. It looks as though it is generating a Moment from the model (not from the facesheets) and using that to calculate the FWT. How is that moment calculated when using 3D solid elements?


As we looked closer at the analysis it looks like HyperSizer is using the stress in the 'Z' direction directly for the sigma-rr term. However, it seems to be using negative stresses for FWT calcs. I believe that is telling me it is using a compressive stress for a tension calc. Is it supposed to do that?


The (Sig_rr) normal stress  is computed for a solid element by averaging the Normal_Z stresses at each grid.

Sig_rr = Sig_Z Average (G1:G8)

This stress is passed directly into the Flatwise Tension analysis, the panel bending moments are not used to determine the Sig_rr. If the average stress is compressive, the Flatwise tension analysis should be disabled.

If you have a case that is behaving otherwise, could you please send me the example.


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