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Author Topic: Default Settings (Analyses, Materials) and the Template Database Re: Failure Tab  (Read 24211 times)


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  • Posts: 88
The failure tab now includes about 100 analysis methods. For the standard user it is a daunting challenge to pick the correct analysis methods, ie lamina failure method or buckling method. Each company will have its preferences. These preferences should be stored in the Hypersizer template as a default.

To further enhance this feature each user should have the capability to set the analysis method defaults for each program within the company or analysis type. For example we may want to pick or create  a standard analysis of a honeycomb structure. These settings should be in "Analysis Options" in the failure TAB. These settings should also be in the Hypersizer template. For Example we could have a "787 honeycomb standard analysis" or an "Airbus Program Standard Analysis". This would provide consistency in the process. These options would show up for any new database a user creates.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 10:22:04 AM by Phil »


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    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
The ability to store multiple sets of default settings with different names (such as "787 Standard Honeycomb Analysis" or "Airbus Standard Analysis") is something that we might be able to visit in the future, however, be aware that you can currently set up a Default database for each program so that when an engineer in one program pulls up the software, there will be different default settings than an engineer in another program.

The key to this is the "Template" database.  When HyperSizer is installed, the installation includes a template database in the folder:

C:\Program Files\HyperSizer\Database\Database Template\

and the name of the database file is:

HyperSizer Database Template X.X.hdb

(where X.X is the HyperSizer major and minor version number)

When the user creates a new database, the defaults in that template are copied into the newly created database.

However, within HyperSizer, you have the flexibility to point to a different template database.  This is done in Preferences | Options in the setting "Project Database Template Folder"

The process is as follows:

1. A single HyperSizer Admin user should create a new blank database (using the Template that is shipped with HyperSizer), open that database in HyperSizer and change the default settings to the requirements of a program.  These default settings include any Analysis Method defaults as well as standard materials.

2. After all of the defaults have been set, HyperSizer is closed and the HyperSizer Admin changes the name of the database that was created to:

HyperSizer Database Template X.X.hdb

(For example, for HyperSizer Version 5.6.38, the template database must have the name:
HyperSizer Database Template 5.6.hdb)

3.  The HyperSizer Admin copies this file to a network location available to all users of a particular program.

4. The HyperSizer Admin makes the file "Read-Only" so that only the HyperSizer Admin can open or change the settings in the Template database.

5. The individual users on the program using this database must set the "Project Database Template Folder" to point at the folder where the HyperSizer Admin has placed the template database.

After this, When the user creates a new database, the Template database set up by the HyperSizer Admin will be used for all default settings.

If there are multiple programs with different requirements (for example, say one program has decided to always use Tsai-Hill and another program always uses Max Strain), then the HyperSizer Admin can create multiple Template databases, place them in different folders and have the users in the various programs point to the different folders.  Note that the NAME of the template database must follow the above format.

When going to a new HyperSizer version, the Default settings can easily be imported from one template database to another by using File | Import and on the Import Dialog, go to the Advanced Options, and press the "Import Database Defaults for Components and Groups" button.