Good morning. I have a question about the Margin of Safety.
I want analyze a simple flat simply supported plate with these features:
a=b=500 mm
Unstiffened Family
Compression load provided directly by FBD tab (300 N/mm (Nx)).
I've edited a materials which has these features:
E = 210 GPa
G = 80.769 GPa
nu = 0.3
Allowable stresses = 100 Mpa and In-plane Fsu = 50 Mpa
I've correctly set the ultimate factor to 1.0 and i've analyzed my simple model. The margin of safety for Isotropic Strenght is 0.2396. Is there a possibility to set it to zero and check the variables by taking into account that i want this specific margin of safety? Or in other words in which particular way Hypersizer chooses the minimum positive Margin of Safety?
Maybe by improve the permutations number i can obtain a MoS nearest to zero?
Thanks a lot for any answer!