The arguments for Laminate.AddPly(Angle as Single, Thickness as Single, Foamkey as String, Honeycombkey as String, Isotropickey as String, Orthotropickey as String, [object1=, object2=, object=]
unlike layup.AddPly(Angle as Single)
I want to add laminate with where each ply has a different orthotropic material property. In that case
1. Angle is KNOWN
2. Thickness = ? Do we need to put anything because orthotropic material has thickness or do we put the exact same thickness
3. Foamkey = ? what should be the input if the current ply is orthotropic only
3a. Honeycombkey = ?
4. Isotropickey = ?
5. Orthotropickey = Matl key for the orthotropic material
6. Object1, 2, and 3 = what do they stand for ?