It sounds like you still have user-defined analyses turned on.
On the Sizing Form for your component, go to the Failure tab and select "User Defined (Pro Version)" under the "Failure Analyses Categories" heading. Then in the Available Failure Analyses, right click and select "Show User Defined Analyses" (See Failure Tab 1.jpg)
Click the "Toggle" buttons at the bottom of the form and make sure that all of the user defined analyses are turned off. (See picture, Failure Tab 2.jpg)
The User defined failure analysis settings are different for each panel concept. You must click on the different concepts in the Family Concept Figure (see picture, Failure Tab 3.jpg) and turn off the failure modes for each concept individually.
For example in "Failure Tab 1.jpg", the user defined failures are turned on for the "I" stiffened panel concept. In "Failure Tab 2.jpg", the user defined failure modes have all been turned off.
In "Failure Tab 3.jpg", the user has changed to the "T" stiffened panel concept and note that the user defined crippling and panel buckling analyses are turned on. You must turn these failure modes off for each concept, so turn them off for the T concept, then click on the "Z" panel concept and turn off all of the user defined analysis methods and continue until you have turned off the user defined analyses for each concept.
Please let me know if this helps.