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Author Topic: Problem applying failure mode selections when "Hide Unselected" is checked  (Read 24440 times)

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Running V5.8.11. When the "Hide Unselected" box is checked the "Apply selections to other groups/assem/etc..." doesn't work. It only works when the box is unchecked.


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When you say it doesn't work... what exactly is happening.

One thing to understand about the "Apply Selections to All..." control is that it only operates on what is actually shown in the window. So lets say you have turned a bunch of failure modes off and want to apply this "turning off" to all of the other components in a project or assembly... If you have the "Hide Unselected" button turned on, then the things you turn off will no longer be shown, therefore when you "apply to all", the ones you turned off will have no effect on other components. This is because the apply to all only works on things that are shown. Hopefully this makes sense.

If you want things that are turned off to have an effect on other components when you press "apply to all", then you must not hide them.

If it still doesn't seem like it is working right, let me know with an example, and I can take a look.

HyperSizer User

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It looks like you understand what I am seeing. If that's how you have intentionally designed it to work, then I guess there isn't a problem. However, it is much easier to work with the "Hide Unselected" box checked so I tend to gravitate towards that view rather than having all modes visible. Just an observation/suggestion.


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This is how it wasdesigned it to work.  Everything is a trade off.  In some situations, the way it works is exactly what you would want/expect and in other situations, you can scratch your head wondering why it does what it does.  I think the thing to keep in mind that helps a lot is just that the apply to all only works on whatever is explicitly shown in the window... so if you don't see something, then it won't affect anything else when you apply to all.

Let me know if any more confusion.