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Author Topic: Combining Thermal and Mechanical Load Conditions  (Read 23013 times)


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Combining Thermal and Mechanical Load Conditions
« on: September 14, 2010, 05:42:20 PM »
The aerospace industry traditionally combines mechanical and thermal load conditions with a variety of rules. Hypersizer needs the capability to import load cases (mechanical and thermal), with a flexible menu system to pair mechanical and thermal cases in any combination. For example we have 200 mechanical load conditions and 15 thermal load conditions. One load case could have two applicable thermal conditions.

The curent Hypersizer analysis process does have the flexibilty to support this process resulting in the need to write software combining thermal and mechanical loads prior to importing into Hypersizer. The creates additional burden and slows the analysis process.

Also, the enalysis engineer will traditionlly use a conservative temperature assumption to write the element Margin of Safety. Hypersizer will only allow the use of a temperatures defined in the thermal deck to determine the allowable mechanical property used in the Mrgin of Safety. The user needs more flexibility in defining the analysis temp when a thermal and mechanical load is combined.
David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc