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Author Topic: HyperFEA Run, multiple run decks in hypersizer, .cp2 & cl2 couldn't be found  (Read 23992 times)


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I have been trying to run HyperFEA with two run decks defined in HyperSizer. One run deck was for Sol 101 runs & load cases and the other was for Sol 144 runs load cases. In the second iteration, the program is supposed to generate **i02.cp2 and **i02.cl2 for the second run deck Sol144. But it didn't. So running NASTRAN sol 144 **i02.dat file. It was complaining that **i02.cp2 and **i02.cl2 couldn't be found. Any clues what are the problems? Thanks!


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    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
I found the problem... we changed HyperSizer so that it does not generate a CL2 or CP2 with multiple run-decks.  The thing is, it really doesn't need to generate these files because these files contain elements which are the same for every run-deck... (the properties and materials files, PM1, PM2 file can potentially change between run decks, so it does need to be generated for every run-deck).

I'm not sure there is a work around in the current HyperFEA because it is expecting the CP2 and CL2 files to be generated... it might need to be updated.  We will try to update as soon as possible.

You can always do the process manually... in the second run-deck, simply point to the first run-decks CP1 and CL1 file... like I said, they don'tneed to change from run-deck to run-deck, so it shouldn't be too hard to manually iterate.