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Can Hypersizer be used with Fibersim?


Does anybody know if the Hypersizer output can be used with Vistagys Fibersim?

A design colleague of mine has recently been on the Fibersim training course for use with CATIA V5 and the Fibersim training instructor stated that it can be used with Hypersizer. He did not elaborate any further on it so my design colleague has asked a similar question to myself here. If the two packages can be used together can somebody please help me with a process for doing it?


As of today, there is no direct links between HyperSizer and FiberSIM. However, both companies (Vistagy and Collier Research Corp.) are in talks to provide this to our customers. Please check back in two months. Craig

We are working on a process of how to transefer data between Hypersizer and fiberSIM. The key is to determine what information should be transfered from the analysis engineer (Hypersizer) to the design engineer (FiberSIM) and vise versa. Does anyone have examples of a process developed within their organization?


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