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Author Topic: Core Shear Correction Factors  (Read 24039 times)


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Core Shear Correction Factors
« on: November 09, 2009, 12:10:27 PM »
Question posed by HyperSizer User:

We are using the same core with different thicknesses for Honeycomb Sandwich panels in our project and since the core shear strength changes with the thickness, is it possible to include the correction factor curve in HyperSizer?

(Ans)  A correction factor may be applied to the shear strength for a honeycomb core.  By specifying the two points (0.5" and 1.5") on the shear strength correction factor curve on the stiffness tab of the Honeycomb properties form.  HyperSizer will use these two points to create the correction factor curve for the entire range of core thicknesses.

The out-of-plane shear strength allowable of the core is the shear strength of the core multiplied by the shear strength correction factor times the height.

Specifying this correction factor curve will prevent the user from creating new honeycomb core materials for each core thickness used in the project.

ref (AID105 HyperSizer Sandwich Shear Strength.HME)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 08:25:04 AM by James »