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Author Topic: Visualization of Core Margins With Solids Elements  (Read 24191 times)


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Visualization of Core Margins With Solids Elements
« on: September 11, 2009, 03:32:14 PM »

Enhancement request:

Currently when looking at M.S. plots in the graphics window on a mesh that utilized shells as the faceheets and hexa's as the core, the core M.S. is shown on the facesheets. It would be more intuitive if the Core elements were shown in the graphics window and core M.S. was shown on the solid, and failure criteria pertaining to laminates was shown on the pshells.

For sandwiches that run with pcomps that modelize both facesheets and core: It would be helpful if the user had the option to toggle on and off what criteria was shown in the M.S. envelope plot. Currently to show only top face M.S. we have to rerun the database turning off all other criteria.


Jason J