Hypersizer V5.7.6 will import a Nastran deck with Hex elements for the core and shell elements for the face sheet. The panel is imported into Hypersizer in a very similar way to a shell element. After importing you will have two face sheets and a core defined for your component.
MAT8 properties and a PCOMP define the face sheet material and lay-up
MAT9 properties define the core
Note: Hypersizer simply reads the MAT8 and MAT9 ID. Ensure you have the face sheet and core materials set up in the Hypersizer database prior to importing your FEM. The materials can be defined and assigned after import if necessary.
Also, note the z direction for the face sheet abnd core must all point in the same directions.
For more information on imorting solid models go to our downloads page at
http://www.hypersizer.com/downloads.htmlAt the bottom click on customer login for more PPT presentations. The solid element PPT is on this page.
If you do not have the user and password contact support@hypersizer.com