In the current version of Hypersizer the LAMINATE allowables are defined as a %age of 45 deg, 0 deg or AML. Stain allowables are determined by LINEAR interpolation between the MIN ans MAX values of say %45 deg plies in a laminate.
If a laminate is created for analysis that is outside the scope of the Hypersizer defined allowables, Hypersizer will default to the MAX or MIN definition. For example if orthotropic allowables are created between 30% and 70% 45 deg plies and the user defines a laminate with 20% 45 deg plies, the allowable property used in the analysis would be for 30% 45 deg plies.
The user should create laminates for analysis within the test envelope (Hypersizer allowables envelope).
Margins of Safety provided by Hypersizer in the above situation would not be correct. Users with little experience of allowables or not aware of the Hypersizer analysis process would simply assume the calculated Margin of Safety is valid.
Hypersizer should provide flag, warning users that their LAMINATE analysis is outside the range of the laminate allowables and to use the Margin provided as a best approximation, or preferably modify the laminate to be within the range of the allowables envelope provided.