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Appropriate meshing techniques


HyperSizer Moderator:
We got tech question regarding HyperSizer modeling component with hole.

As shown in the figure(FEA mesh), some component(shown in red color) has large hole(aero plane window) and the hole size is very large compared to the component size. Please advise me whether this component modeling is OK. If not please advise how to model (e.g., include more elements near hole and make the component bigger).

This mesh is OK. HyperSizer is able to handle coarsely meshed models quite well.  The component break up is also acceptable since you would need to offer a padup region around the cutout to handle the stress concentrations so a larger component does not have to be overdesigned which would add unnecessary weight to the vehicle.  The only thing I would recommend for a more detailed analysis is to run the element based loading method on this component which would account for any drastic load changes around the cutout.


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