Engineering & Analysis Methods > Bolted Joints
BJSFM - Hypersizer V5.6.38
What allowable properties are required to execute BJSFM within Hypersizer?
BJSFM determines a ply based stress or strain at a user defined characteristic distance from the hole. Hence, BJSFM requires lamina based material properties to execute.
Stress allowables F11t, F22t, F11c, F22c and F12 are required for a stress based failure theory, and stain allowables e11t, e22t, e11c, e22c, e12 are required for a strain based analysis theory. These allowable properties are entered in the Hypersizer orthotropic form.
The user must also enter the characteristic distance (Do) in the Orthotropic form Joints and holes TAB. The default value of Do = 0.016. Ref MILL-HDBK-17.
The allowable bearing stress and open hole allowables on the Joints and Holes TAB are NOT used by BJSFM.
The BJSFM code does not support laminate allowable properties.
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