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Author Topic: Effective Laminates and Discrete Laminates (Exporting to FEM)  (Read 26392 times)


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Effective Laminates and Discrete Laminates (Exporting to FEM)
« on: August 21, 2009, 10:05:26 AM »
Hypersizer V5.7

Hypersizer can define two types of laminate:

Effective Laminate (EL)
Discrete Laminate (DL)

When  exporting a Hypersizer database to a FEM the user must be aware of the limitations:

Effective Laminate (EL) – Effective laminates are defined in terms of %age of plies in   direction 0°, 90°, +45°,-45°. MAT2 smeared properties are created when exporting to a FEM. We can not export a EL to a MAT8 and PCOMP because the laminate definition does not have sufficient information to fully describe a laminate and create a PCOMP for Nastran.

The Nastran export options are selected in the Project Setup Form. Ensure the correct export options are selected.

Discrete Laminates (DL) – A discrete laminate is a ply stacking sequence and fiber orientation. MAT8 and PCOMP properties are created when exported a DL to a FEM. A DL is defined in the LAMINATE form or HyperLAMINATE form.

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David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc