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Author Topic: Finite element results file for NEi Nastran (was Re: ...import other than F06?)  (Read 25715 times)


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I am using NEiNastran and trying to export an F06 file.  I have:
but, I'm still not getting an F06 file.  I am still researching how to request that output, but in the mean time, does HyperSizer use other other results file?  I get a nice .OUT file, which looks similar to an F06 least if memory serves me correctly.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 02:49:32 PM by Phil »


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    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
For NEiNastran, when you set up your project before import, you have choice of "FEM Format".  Make sure you choose NEiNastran and not MSC or NX Nastran as your FEM format.

When you do this, you will be prompted to enter a *.ELS file rather than *.F06 for finite element load results.

HyperSizer expects the following files to exist after running NEiNastran:
*.ELS - Finite Element Force Resultants
*.DIS - Finite Element Displacement results

By default, NEiNastran deletes these two files when you run an analysis, so you need to turn off the "RSLTFILEPURGE" setting in the NEi Editor before your run your Nastran analysis.

To do this, open the NEi Editor and go to Setup | Default Analysis Options .  Expand the "File Management Directives" branch of the tree structure you find there and look for the setting RSLTFILEPURGE.  Change that setting from ON to OFF.  Now when you run an NEI Analysis, the *.ELS and *.DIS files will not be deleted and can be used by HyperSizer to pick up forces and displacements.

One other comment.  If you have already run an NEi model, then it will remember the settings that were turned on when you ran that model.  You must re-run it again with that RSLTFILEPURGE flag turned off.  There are two ways to do that.  The simplest is to close the NEi Editor and go to the folder where your *.NAS file is located.  There should be a corresponding file with the same filename and the extension *.INI.  Delete this file and then when you re-run that model, the default analysis option of RSLTFILEPURGE will be turned OFF.

Let me know if this is still unclear.