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Author Topic: Stringer Spacing in Tapered or Conical Structures  (Read 26726 times)

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Stringer Spacing in Tapered or Conical Structures
« on: January 19, 2009, 03:11:59 PM »
When sizing a conical section with a hat-stiffened sking, how does HS handle the taper of the stringers going from the full dia. to the reduced dia?

The assumption on the MAT2 card has to be equidistance b/t stringers for the full length, since it's a smeared property--does HS do anything internally when calculating panel M.S. to account for this taper?


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Re: Stringer Spacing in Tapered or Conical Structures
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 03:19:00 PM »
HyperSizer does not do anything to account for the actual taper of the stringers.  It assumes for each component that the stringer spacing is constant throughout.

We are working on a capability that will allow you to dictate a number of stringers rather than a stringer spacing.  This way if you have a tapered region and you split it into a number of components, then as you go from component to component, the spacing will be reduced according to the taper.  However, even in this case, the stringer spacing will be assumed to be constant within each component.    I would look at the stringer spacing in HyperSizer as the average stringer spacing throughout the component.