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Author Topic: Applying Shear Loading to a Beam Component in a Workspace  (Read 26290 times)

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Applying Shear Loading to a Beam Component in a Workspace
« on: December 18, 2008, 10:17:09 AM »
I was looking at a single circular tube, fixing one end and loading the other.  On the user loads entry place, I could put in moments and axial load, but could not enter a value for V1 or V2.  When I click on it, it acts like I’m supposed to choose something, but it’s blank.  What am I doing wrong?


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Re: Applying Shear Loading to a Beam Component in a Workspace
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 10:18:13 AM »
Beam shear forces are dependent on beam moments because the two are not independent of each other.  HyperSizer assumes a constant shear force in a beam and a linear variation of bending moment.  The constant shear force in a beam is calculated from:

V = ( M(end B) – M(end A) ) / Length

It sounds like you are loading the beam up as a cantilevered beam, therefore, the bending moment on end B would be zero and to get the shear you want, set

M(end A)  =  - V *Length

So, for a shear force of V = 10 lb on a 30” beam, set M(end A) = - (10) * (30) = -300 lb-in, M(end B) = 0, and the Length to 30”.  Analyze, and you should see a V value of 10 lb.

Let me know if you have more questions.