Software Use > Analyzing & Optimizing Composite Layups

Hard to understand the popup warning.(f06 element number)


An popup like attachment appears when I hit analyze button.
I don't understand what this warning means.
Looks like it has some problem in original FE model
but don't know what that problem is supposed to be.
Need some help out here, thanks.

This warning message is not usually a concern.  It is just saying that the number of elements force cards that could be found in the F06 file is less than those that were read in from the finite element model.    In some cases, if you have CROD elements in your model, the count of element forces found in the *.F06 file will report that it is less than in the imported FEM.  This warning message is inaccurate and will be corrected in Version 5.4. 

This message was originally intended to warn you if the *.F06 file did not match the *.DAT file.  As long as you are sure that the F06 file and nastran bulk data file match each other, you can safely ignore this message.


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